Erie Zoo To Release Lions Onto Presque Isle

In spite of the annual Presque Isle deer hunt held every year, the park’s deer population continues to increase. “The peninsula is a fragile ecosystem.’ says park ranger Pat Dexter.

“The park can really only handle a deer herd of about 15 to 20 head, and right now there are over 100 deer out there.”  Dexter said that the annual winter hunt has failed to significantly reduce the deer herd to a sustainable number. “The problem is that we are not getting enough hunters applying for the deer hunt here.” he told us. “On one hand they love the easy close range shot at a deer that’s very accustomed to people. On the other hand there is the very real concern that their fellow hunting bros will call them sissies for shooting tame deer.”

To solve this problem Dexter approached Scott Mitchell of the Erie Zoo. “We brainstormed,” said Dexter “And Scott suggested putting a natural predator into the environment.”

Gooferie reached out to Scott Mitchell for a comment. “Yes, it’s true.” he confirmed. “We are releasing lions onto the peninsula. It’s win – win. We are saving a lot of money by not feeding the lions. Do you know how much it costs to feed a big cat?”

When asked how long the lions will be roaming Presque Isle, Mitchell was unable to give us a definitive answer. “It could be weeks.” he said. “Lions sleep for a long time after a big meal.”

Should park visitors be concerned about African lions free ranging on the peninsula? Mitchell addressed this question. “Not at all.” he said. “Well, maybe a little. Just, um, just don’t approach them, ok?”


  1. Omg your comments are killing me 🤦🏼‍♀️ You realize the website is named GOOFerie right? This is a satire site. Smh. Release the lions!


  2. Again…THESE people ☝🏼☝🏼🙄😒

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kristine s says:

    And this person has a job!!
    So absurd and ridiculous!!!


  4. I I think this is a great idea. and if they can’t catch the lions later we can hunt them. go for it


  5. lol.. calm down people it is satire..


  6. What a great idea! Feed the lions and get rid of excess deer. Did you see the first lion they plan on releasing is Simba with his mate, Nala? So exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ummm…. People….. did anyone notice that this is from GoofErie…..Erie’s first FAKE news source????


  8. No one reads the title of the page? GoofErie eries first fake news source 🤦


  9. Morons


  10. Monica odroneic says:

    Whoever came up with this outrageous stupid, inhumane idea should have to sit out there with the Lions and see what happens. There should be a petition against this. Beyond disgusting. Wait until a lion eats someone, lawsuits just waiting to happen. I think I’ll notify animal rights organizations about this. Shame on all the morons involved in this. SHAME ON YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. So who REALLY believes this to be true? Seriously people. Lions cannot live in this extremely cold weather.


  12. This sounds beyond outrageous. If deer population that far out of control, either move them to another area, or at least kill them humanely! Why in the world do they need to suffer greatly being ripped apart by lions??? And the potential danger to humans is obvious!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard of. Wild lion at a public park where my 5 year old visits! Whoever though of this is demented and lacks common sense. How can we petition to stop this.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. An out of town relative saw this article and called me…honestly I thought this MUST be a joke, right? Just curious what is to keep this lion on the peninsula? Is Scott going to ask it nicely to only hunt deer? Once in the wild humans cannot control what a wild animal will do. Who is accepting the liability on this? Does the public have a say? When is this going to take place? I can’t believe the majority of Erie residents would go for this outrageous idea.
    My family loves and enjoys our beautiful Presque Isle during all four seasons however lion on the loose..not so much! SMH!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Concerned Hunter says:

    What will they send in to eat the lions once they become overpopulated? This is a slipper slope!!


  16. I don’t feel like I should have to say this, but read the name of the site you are reading the article on.


  17. Lol…you got me for a minute!


  18. Ashley Ebke says:

    It is fake news… Do you people really think this would happen?? Some people will believe anything just because they read it online.


  19. I think a couple of you have gotten it but this is a fake news site. Think about it “gooferie” is the name.


  20. What if the lions eat deer with wasting disease? Also, do you ppl know that big cats attack bc they think they are playing? Who the hell came up with this delusional idea? Stop drinking at work!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I’m glad they’re finally restoring the natural habitat back to the days of Christopher Columbus discovering Presque Isle State Park. Good move Erie!


  22. Simba Lyons says:

    I recently watched a documentary on lions and learned that if the lions get out of hand, it’s only because there is a grumpy one with a scar on his face that does not care about the circle of life. Put a good lion in charge and make sure he knows that we want to keep about 20 deer on Presque Isle and it should work out great. Just keep the warthogs at the zoo, they are too gassy.


  23. Patricia Kocher says:

    This is the most ridiculous and inhumane idea I have heard to date. What about the people who visit the park regularly? In the spring when the park is open again will the predators then be hunted and killed, removed and taken back to the zoo or just left to roam among the folks who come to the beach or just to bring their children to play in the sand?


  24. Instead of solving a problem, this is creating another problem. Common sense should prevail. Let hunters do this job without acquiring a license. A Lion is a predator, they don’t count legs:


  25. JoJo potatoes says:

    I think this is a fantastic idea. Are you all really too dumb to realize this isn’t real?


  26. Well, that’s never gonna work! Everyone knows that only female lions do the hunting, and that’s a male pictured….he will starve before spring comes because he can’t hunt. Besides, the deer on Presque Isle have become carnivorous because of the ticks carrying lyme disease, they’ll eat the lions. People are hust lucky they haven’t gotten attacked by the deer, yet. It’s only a matter of time.


  27. Darlene Fletcher says:

    I think this is some kind of sick joke, I don’t believe for a minute they would release our zoo lions to hunt the deer, who came up with this BS.


  28. Joyce Kray says:

    Don’t you think there are other predictors out there, do we complain (no) And it is not inhumane, God made animals to eat other animals, just like we do. If there are loins on the isle let them alone, they prefer wild meat not spoiled humans.
    Go for it Erie


  29. This is the most ridiculous, outrageous, maniacal, idiotic, dangerous, (shall I go on?!) idea I’ve ever heard!!!!


  30. I bet it is a cardboard picture of a lion!


  31. Bob Becker says:

    What a great idea. If left to roam the peninsula long enough our feline friends may also help reduce the population of all those pesky tourists. If one or two children get mauled or eaten the word will spread quickly enough, and we can have our peninsula back again. “Peninsula for Pennsylvanians” is my motto.


  32. Fantastic Idea! I ride my bike around the Peninsula every day during the summer and the opportunity to see lions roaming free would greatly enhance my experience. Lions are also known to be thirsty and would help lower the lake level.


  33. As a Leo zodiac sign, I’ve always known that the lion is a natural choice to solve problems. I especially love how this lion posed so regally to signify its presence. Roar!

    Since lions do sleep so much, I wonder if there could be consideration for having multiple lions hunt in shifts. As one sleeps blissfully full after a successful hunt, another can hangrily seek its next gastronomical conquest. This round the clock effort would really make a difference. Once the deer numbers are at a more tolerable threshold, one lion could remain for preventative reasons. That lion would be chosen based on hunt statistics. May the odds be ever in their favor.


  34. worst of all, when the lions cause a problem, they’ll be shot! what a waste of life all the way around. poor decision.


  35. It’s clear from the picture that the lion does not belong there in the park!


  36. Lol but now everyone who’s read this article knows that there’s over populated deer that are easy targets in this area. Maybe that’s the point 😂 to spread word of the easy annual hunt w a shocking story about a lion being released. Considering all the liability it would put on the zoo 😂


  37. Cindy Huffman says:

    This has got to be a joke. With Waldamere so close all the other business so close. Is it to be 1 lion? Or numerous. To reduce the size of the deer herd down to manageable size it would need to be numerous lions. A pride. So is the zoo going to assign someone to watch the pride So they don’t get out of control? Its not April fools, but this has to be a joke.


  38. Is this a joke???!!!! If not, the bright, intelligent people who came up with this idea need to be left out with the lions and let the lions hunt them. Ludicrous!!!!


  39. mark fenstrmacher says:

    i am not sure if this true someone idea of a joke, thee is no way that anyone in their right mind can puy the public at risk.


  40. This is in humane. Lions are not a natural predators to PA deer. Why don’t they relocate them or capture and spay and neuter some of the deer??


  41. Reblogged this on idiotprufs.


  42. The stupidity of some people astounds me… Seriously you thought this was true? Think about it for a moment…. the name of this page is GOOFERIE



  43. Yes, I’ve heard of these. Work release programs. 🤪


  44. Gary Wolford says:

    I am never amazed at how gullible people are , but this takes the cake. (Not even a good photo shop )


  45. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  46. Betty Simon says:

    Get real people, it’s an April Fool’s joke


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